Decoding Creativity

Sneha Bharti
4 min readJan 19, 2021
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When you hear the word “Creativity”, what comes to your mind? Do you think it is something related to art and craft? Do you feel one is born with creative skills? Do you think creative has little significance in one’s personal and professional life? Are you a person who still keeps academics and domain knowledge above everything? If yes, then this article may help you to explore the creativity baggage and also give you small tips to practice creativity in your daily life.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others (From Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken). It is characterised by the ability to perceive the world in novel ways, to unearth hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions.

Is creativity innate or Acquired?

Many people think that creative abilities are fixed and can’t be changed like our eye colour. And it further leads to the conclusion that if they aren’t currently creative, there is no way to increase their ability to come up with innovative ideas. Well, this is not completely true. Creativity is “technically” inherited, but by everyone. It’s more of a common human trait than a gift. But, just like any skill, creativity does vary from person to person. Everyone — adults and children alike — has a creative streak. But while most of us have a spirit of the invention, major or minor, for too many of us it lies dormant even though it can be awakened with the simplest of acts. Let’s dive into those simplest daily practices which will push you to inculcate creative approach towards most of your mundane activities.

How to Learn Creativity?

Step 1- Improve your listening skills

Listening isn’t simply hearing the sounds but making meaning from the sounds. You can improve your listening skills by practising RASA Technique. So first receive the different sounds thrown at your ear, second appreciate what you are receiving patiently (subdue your urge to counter immediately without grabbing the information fully), third try to summarise the information you received, and at last, ask your question if any. There are many other ways to improve listening skills, RASA is just one of them.

Listen and Process

Step 2- Observation

Pay attention to your surroundings and observe people and things around you. It will enhance your curiosity to know more and question different Wh derivatives( What, Why, How, When, Where). “Just give yourself permission to see the seeds for what they are.”


Step 3- Network

Collaborate with different people. If we are alone, we are more likely to quit because we have no one there to say, “keep going”. All creatives doubt themselves at some point. You can keep your personal and professional network separate. Keep it short and deep for reliance.

Step 4- Have a thick skin

The very first image of the creator we get is as a somewhat crazy, slightly unbalanced person lost in his or her own head? This is just one example, there will many statements you will receive when you will present your novel ideas. Having a thick-skin will prepare to receive the criticism without disturbing your thoughts. It will act as a declutter button for your social cues.

Step 5- Experimental mindset

Creativity exists when we desire to solve that problem with relevance and novelty. Novelty is a subjective measure of the uniqueness of a solution. The degree by which a solution is considered novel is an inexact measurement, it is different for each person. “Thinking out of the box” won’t help you, the relevance of solution matters. Try to avoid the instinct of solving the problem in very first attempt. Keep an experimental mindset and experiment with your daily routine. Acquire new habits. Welcome your change. Feel confident that you are learning and improving daily.

Last Word

Creativity can be learned. It is a process that we can repeat and in that repetition, we find growth. Every one of us possesses the ability to be creative, regardless of the suppression that ability has endured over time. If you practice something with purpose and pattern, you will find that it’s not only getting easier but you’re becoming pretty good at it. We have had the ability to master it like a craft our entire lives. In some small part, perhaps we were born that way.

